Francine Witte – Definition

Definition The little boy asks his family what a lemon is. The mother, mostly apron, says oh I use it in my cooking. Also to sprinkle on fish. The father, who is rumpled like the evening paper, says, Ha! A lemon is the car your mother’s brother sold me. The boy’s older sister is mostly […]

Francine Witte – Map of Me

Map of Me Let’s start by saying this isn’t a map you’d fold up in a glove box or pull up on a GPS. And maybe it’s not a geography anyone wants to travel. I mean, hell, some days, even I don’t. It’s just that I started drawing it one night after too many glasses […]

Amy Barone’s We Became Summer, Reviewed by Francine Witte

Amy Barone We Became Summer New York Quarterly Books Reviewer: Francine Witte Let’s face it. When the title of a poetry collection is a perfect three-word poem itself, you know you’re in for a pretty good ride. Such is the case with Amy Barone’s first full-length collection We Became Summer. The title suggests so much, […]

Justin Hamm’s American Ephemeral, Reviewed by Francine Witte

Justin Hamm American Ephemeral Kelsay Books/Aldrich Press Reviewer: Francine Witte If you didn’t take the often-desired road trip through the America’s heartland this past summer, fear not. Justin Hamm’s second book, American Ephemeral, is a beautiful swirl of poetry and photos that just might make you feel as if you are barreling down a highway […]

John Paul Davis’s Crown Prince of Rabbits, Reviewed by Francine Witte

John Paul Davis Crown Prince of Rabbits great weather for MEDIA Reviewer: Francine Witte Think tornado. Think of the wind spinning and swirling around you, everyday objects plastered to the inner walls of the funnel. Look, there’s a chair! Look, there’s a tree! Items you have seen a thousand times, but now, are lifted out […]