Laura Glenn – Up in the Aerie

Up in the Aerie 1. In the tiny room of the library, next to the aviary of dead birds where my dim reflection feathered into an owl behind glass, I perch at the desk facing an oak-framed window—three-fourths full of an oak tree with lobed leaves and acorns in thoughtful berets. Between desk and window, […]

Jill Gerard – Cartography

Cartography DISSECTED AND MOUNTED HUMAN CEREBRO-SPINAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, 1888: HARRIET COLE Imagine her moving along corridors, through rooms, taking care to keep things right, watching as doctors take apart cadavers. Inside we all have highways. Dare to follow— here, the instinct to pull back from flame and there, the hot burn of desire. Imagine her […]

Marcene Gandolfo – Because I’m No Persephone

Because I’m No Persephone Once I loved a man who was all shadow // I wanted to touch him / You could say we lived in a world of dark matter // I should have known / our first date / he lead me down a staircase / to a shape–shifting room // On the […]

Kelli Russell Agodon – When my therapist tells me my father’s trauma has been transferred to me, I think

When my therapist tells me my father’s trauma has been transferred to me, I think how long he has been missing      from the planet, still part of the seawater           his ashes move through the Pacific and as she talks, I think of how the sky      never lets me down—looking up,           there is always a cloud […]