The Dark Side of The Force in Relation to Art

I’m gratified that you asked me to address you today; but if we’re honest, you had little choice. This afternoon your faces, ranged in tactful light, are both my canvas and my paint, my page and words, my score and harmonies (or, more often, dissonances) I intuit. As the work proceeds, my heavy pleasantries will […]


Gaunt As autumn shadows evolve into winter nights, hunger comes sniffing. Gaunt, the gray wolf has grown. With yellow eyes. Her belly snarls a wild music of want, to match the growl in her throat. In the spring she fed well from the hunt. Her teeth left the green grass dappled with red. But summer […]


Down the road near the place where we buried the arms and the legs and the heads a man shot a hummingbird out of the sky, the explosion larger than anything had ever been, and I remember you angry and blaming everyone, especially me, crows glistening around you protectively, the statue of the Blessed Virgin […]

Venetian Red

In the dream muddle, lolling across mama’s lap, the blue-gray of her unwavering gaze – and just beyond, the gibbous moon, a yellow birch leaf still on black water, then – late! Tower bells clanging and so we’re off, my companions in tow, racing through shadowy streets cobbled with eyes, teeth, blue veining the ancient […]

Tourists Do Not Touch the God

When I went to Earth last year I met a number of strange local gods. Out there, the local gods are a lottery— you might get a tyrant or you might get a saint, and whatever you get will color your village or your town or your metropolis with its moods and fears and its […]