Lynne Thompson – When To Bird & When To Be Human

When To Bird & When To Be Human Did you ever hear the red-bellied woodpecker give a shrill churr             to any Black birder who was just looking up? Maybe you’ve heard a Virginia rail’s long sequence of piglike grunts             trail off when in the presence of a Black birder or you have heard the solitary […]

Amy Barone’s Defying Extinction, Reviewed by Ann Wehrman

Amy Barone Defying Extinction Broadstone Books Reviewer: Ann Wehrman In Defying Extinction, Amy Barone takes the reader on a journey through the world of humans and nature, capturing with winsome tenderness the power, wildly diverse colors, and exquisite beauty of life on planet Earth. The poet’s lens ultimately cherishes more than it analyzes. Her gentle […]

Linda Ravenswood’s The Stan Poems, Reviewed by Lee Rossi

The Stan Poems: Indictments & Amendments Linda Ravenswood Pedestrian Press Reviewer: Lee Rossi The title of Linda Ravenswood’s The Stan Poems invites the reader to speculate on its ultimate meaning. Besides referring to her common-law husband, the musician and producer Stan Hillas (Jones), it also suggests something about the nature of their relationship, a “stan” […]

Matthew E. Henry’s the Colored page, Reviewed by Brian Fanelli

Matthew E. Henry the Colored page Sundress Publications Reviewer: Brian Fanelli Matthew E. Henry’s the Colored page won’t be easy to digest for every reader, especially a white audience. His poems are utterly unflinching and bold in their honesty. He uses “Theme for English B” by Langston Hughes to link together four sections that detail […]

Joanne Dominique Dwyer – Blood & Sky

Blood & Sky It was an undertaking: standing in line to select a blue or a red fountain pen from the Catholic school commissary as a little girl in my plaid uniform. It engendered infirmity in me. Boys in one line, girls in another; versant in how         to stand in line, distribute weight equitably like […]